RUACH Honors the Jewish Home and Care Center

Join RUACH as we honor the:


with our
‘RUACH Spirit’ Award
Sunday, December 18, 2016

4:30 p.m. Hors d’Oeuvre Reception
Kosher supervision by Wisconsin K
5:15 p.m. award ceremony and musical celebration
Lil’ Rev AND Adam Margolis & The Flying Camels

$18 for Adults
$10 Youth and Students
This event is intended for attendees age 8+

Details RUACH will present to the Jewish Home and Care Center (JHCCflyer-8-5x14-v2) its ‘RUACH Spirit’ award, in recognition of the long-time collaboration between the JHCC and RUACH. This partnership has resulted in a multitude of programs benefiting the community as a whole, as well as the residents of the various JHCC facilities. Programs and residencies have touched young and old and have included music, visual arts, and more. JHCC leadership includes Joshua Gimbel, JHCC Board Chair; Arleen Peltz, JHCC Foundation Chair, and Michael Sattell, JHCC President and CEO, who will accept the award.  

The theme of the highly anticipated musical entertainment for the afternoon will be From Eastern Europe to North Africa: Celebrating the Diversity and Unity of the Jewish People. It will feature the music of the talented multi-instrumentalist Adam Margolis & the Flying Camels, including a number of other well-known and gifted performers, including Rick Aaron, Guy Fiorentini, Linda Siegel, and special guest Hazzan Ouri Marciano. Sharing the concert program will be the always popular Lil’ Rev, whose ukulele prowess and Yiddish interpretations are known near and far. Using their wide-ranging talents, the musicians will highlight music that ranges from exquisitely sensitive to joyful to rollicking and beyond.

In recognition of the long-standing and fruitful partnership between RUACH and the Jewish Home and Care Center, we invite you to make a donation to RUACH in honor of the JHCC and the wonderful people associated with it.


Donations: If you wish to make your donation in honor of the JHCC or in honor/memory of a specific individual, please send details to us at or call 414-367-4890.

Gifts of $180 and above will receive 2 tickets to the event.

For more information, call 414-367-4890.

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