RUACH Presents Brundibar

SUNDAY, MAY 26, 2019
TUESDAY, MAY 28, 2019
Harry and Rose Samson Jewish Community Center
6255 N. Santa Monica Blvd., Whitefish Bay, WI
Click on image below to view the program.CLICK HERE to READ & LISTEN to WUWM’s article and broadcast on RUACH’s production Brundibár.
Brundibar, a Holocaust-era children’s opera, was written in 1938 by Czech Jewish composer, Hans Krasa, as an allegory mirroring the experience of Jews in Europe being persecuted by the Nazis. A tale of two children who—with the help of animal friends and hundreds of school kids—defeat the villainous Brundibar, the opera depicts themes of anti-bullying, the power of friendship, and the triumph of good over evil.
Ironically, the work was performed approximately 55 times between 1943-1944 at the concentration camp, Theresienstadt, as part of the Nazis’ propaganda machine. The original libretto by Adolph Hoffmeister has since been adapted by Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright, Tony Kushner, with set design by Maurice Sendak.
RUACH’s Production of Brundibar:
Director: Elyse Edelman
Music Director: Nathan Wesselowski
Conductor: Alexander Mandl
Starring: Jason McKinney and talented youth performers
Orchestra: Local professional and top student musicians
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