RUACH Art Classes and Open House Art Gallery
Spring 2015 RUACH partnered with Yeshiva Elementary School (YES) to provide art classes to students in K4-2nd grade. The classes, held at YES, were held on Sundays from March through June and were taught by Milwaukee-based artists, Ms. Anne Kaiser and Ms. Judith Kaiser. Each class began with a brief lesson in art history, introducing students to famous artists and styles throughout history. The introductory lesson was followed with an accompanying art project enriching the lesson, bringing art history to life. This format allowed the students to explore a variety of two-dimensional media and subjects, while being introduced to the wonderful world of creativity and imagination.
Sunday, June 14 The art program culminated with an art gallery at the Sally and Phillip Askotzky Art Gallery in Peck Hall at the Jewish Home and Care Center. The gallery featured artwork created by K4 – 2nd grade students who participated the program. During the event, Ms. Anne Kaiser offered gallery tours to both residents of the Home and the families of the students who participated. The tours were a wonderful addition which provided listeners with both educational context and an enhanced appreciation of the art. Featured at the gallery were artworks created by the students in the styles of such famous artists as Van Gough and Matisse, and art mediums such as stained glass and quilting. One of the highlights of the gallery were two large murals painted collaboratively by the students, recreating Van Gough’s, “Starry Night”.
This project, an installment of RUACH’s Core Partner Programming, was supported by Bader Philanthropies in celebration of RUACH’s 10th Anniversary. Thank you to the many devoted participants on all levels who made this program a success!