Over the course of history, Jewish creativity has made a tremendous impact on the world of art and music. At RUACH, we know the importance of preserving the history and culture contained within these artistic expressions and sharing them widely. We offer high-quality performances and programs that celebrate Jewish artists, their creativity, and their contributions to an expansive artistic legacy, as well as Jewish themes embraced by non-Jewish artists. Arts experiences of this kind shouldn’t be limited to those who can afford them. Rather, young and old, rich and poor, Jewish and non-Jewish, should have the opportunity to come together and experience Jewish music and arts traditions. For this reason, RUACH focuses on ensuring arts programs are accessible to traditionally underserved constituents.
More broadly, we bring these experiences to our community because we believe they are essential for human thriving. Though the instinct may be to forget the arts during times of need and especially during tragedy like we’re experiencing today, the arts are an important part of what makes times like these tolerable and, perhaps especially, growthful. The arts nourish us when we are hungry for meaning and raise us up when despair surrounds us. They bring beauty when so much in life seems unseemly. The arts give us impetus to recognize the humanity in our neighbor and celebrate what is good in the world. We live in a time when people are isolated, spiritual connection is limited, and when our worlds have become narrow and confined. Now, in particular, RUACH can make connections among individuals where they’ve been lost. We can help revive emotion when our world seems dry and flat. And we can enlarge people’s worlds once again with art infused with history, culture, and spirituality.