Nachas RUACH 2015

Thursday, June 11 RUACH, partnering with Yeshiva Elementary School (YES), implemented aIMG_2465 new music education program in 2014-15, provided through RUACH’s Core Partner Programming and supported by the Gene and Stephanie Klurfeld Fund of the Jewish Community Foundation of the Milwaukee Jewish Federation. Beginning in the winter and running through the spring of 2015, the program provided a vocal instruction and choir rehearsals both during and after school to boys in grades 3-7.  

 The program consisted of two initiatives.  The first initiative provided classes during school, taught by Rabbi Avi Slutzkin to all boys in grades 3-6.  Rabbi Slutzkin ran workshops in vocal technique and worked with the students to learn how to properly sing and perform a song.  The workshops provided music education to a wide variety of YES students. The second initiative was an after-school choir, aimed towards students who wanted a more in-depth study of music. The RUACH-YES Boys Choir was directed by Mr. Avi Pinsky and assistant director, Rabbi Tuvia Perlman.  The RUACH-YES Boys Choir met twice per week, rehearsing a repertoire of traditional and modern Jewish music.  IMG_2554 (2)

 The hard work by students in both initiatives culminated in a performance on Thursday, June 11,  2015, entitled Nachas RUACH.  The concert, held in Congregation Beth Jehudah’s Social Hall, opened with one piece performed by each of the curricular boys’ choirs (grades 3-6) and followed with a lengthier performance by the extracurricular RUACH-YES Boys Choir, with accompaniment from Adam Margolis and Michael Bates.  The concert concluded with dancing and a performance by the Flying Camels with Adam Margolis, Michael Bates, and David McKinney.  The event had a wonderful turnout, and it beautifully celebrated the choir’s first year.


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