RUACH’s 10th anniversary celebration
Understanding Struggle Through Music: A Jewish Perspective – September 2, 2014
On September 2, RUACH, Inc. kicked off its 10th anniversary celebration with a concert featuring a performance by the Philomusica String Quartet. The concert, entitled Understanding Struggle Through Music: A Jewish Perspective, featured music by composers Hans Krása, Sholom Secunda and Dmitri Shostakovich.
Approximately 125 people were in attendance, including Russian immigrants from six senior residences managed by Jewish Family Services.
Prior to the performance, Dr. Alexander Mandl, a Philomusica violinist, and Yaffa Karan, RUACH Program Manager, gave pre-concert lectures about the featured composers and music to the general audience and to Russian-American attendees, respectively. Yaffa’s presentation and the concert’s welcome and opening remarks were translated by Lena Vusiker of Jewish Family Services.
Thank you to our volunteers and a special thanks to Viktoriya Rubinshteyn and Lena Vusiker of Jewish Family Services for their assistance in connecting to and engaging with their constituents. And an extra special thanks to the Philomusica Quartet and to all of our concert attendees, including the residents of Bradford Apartments, Convent Hill, Golda Meir House, Jefferson Court, River Park and Surlow senior residences.