In 2005, RUACH emerged as a Jewish arts organization with the help of Congregation Beth Jehudah and the Helen Bader Foundation (today Bader Philanthropies). From the beginning, we focused on bringing arts opportunities to underserved populations within Milwaukee’s Jewish community, working with Yeshiva Elementary School (YES) and the Jewish Home and Care Center (today Ovation Communities) as our earliest, treasured partners. RUACH has provided young Orthodox Jewish children with subsidized, intensive, high-quality arts programming that is aligned with Halacha (Jewish Law).
Prior to RUACH, these children had more limited access to arts activities that were affordable and delivered with this community’s unique religious needs in mind. RUACH has also long provided elderly residents at Ovation Communities with enriching Jewish arts experiences, including performances of traditional Jewish and Yiddish music that movingly draw out long-time memories and feelings from those with Alzheimer’s and dementia.
Today, we remain committed to perpetuating meaningful, fruitful partnerships with both Yeshiva Elementary School and Ovation Communities, being true to our roots and setting the tone for the rest of our programming