Hearkening back to Abraham and Sarah, “an open tent” refers to a structure (an inn, hotel, or in some interpretations, a shade-giving tree) that our forefather and foremother maintained to provide hospitality to guests. This structure is said to have had four open sides so that anyone could enter in. In this spirit, RUACH seeks to provide an open tent as we welcome, work with, and serve those beyond the Jewish community. Governed by Halacha (Jewish Law), we focus on the power of the arts as a universal language to join people of different backgrounds together in harmony. This is perhaps best represented through our work in Sherman Park, RUACH’s home, where a beautiful diversity of people live and work. The neighborhood is culturally rich and comprised of Orthodox Jewish, Black, and White non-Jewish residents who are significantly impacted by poverty and related educational, safety, and health care challenges. Through the arts, we work to connect diverse people and organizations to create stronger, healthier, more vibrant communities.